No-No NaNo

I have joined the army of Nanowrimos. A country of adjective accumulators. A land of language listers. The territory of writing terrors. I am writing a novelette of 50,000 words in 30 days and tonight, right on schedule I have competed laying down 3400 of the little demons. So why do I feel a need to write even more in this blog, when tomorrow’s goal is another 2,000 words or more? Ah, but I know the answers to mine own questions – it just gives me a power boost to ask the question and then say, “Aha, here’s the answer coming right now. I am writing tonight to show off.” Yes, I have written the first 3400 words and I’m proud because goals like that make me freak. I gather control by brushing off deadlines until the last minute, knowing exactly what I can accomplish in exactly what amount of time. I’m on top of my own little schedule and proud of it. And see, I still had 165 words in me to put on this blog. And now I am spent. Good night and Good Luck other Nanowrimos – God Speed your little fingers and fertile imaginations – 28 more words. See, I can do this – 7 more! 200 words Score!

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